Dave and Joe Comix
THE CHILDREN'S MENTAL FOCUS FOUNDATION™ (CMFF), a non profit organization located in Henderson Nevada has discovered a virus that may be linked to children with autism and other mental disorders. CMFF is a "Research Foundation" currently working with doctors that have patients afflicted with mental disorders. This new discovery may help children cope with behavioral problems associated with mental disorders such as Autism, ADD and ADHD, says head of research at CMFF, Rick C. Hunt, PhD who discovered the virus. The virus is called the R1H2 virus. Further evaluations on some 200 additional children who had been diagnosed with Autism, also revealed this same specific virus present in the brain of these children.
The CMFF has already developed a natural technology approach, to cue the children's own immune system to respond correctly to this virus and support the elimination of this virus. The challenge facing the CMFF researchers and their affiliate physician offices across the USA is the task of creating a comprehensive brain healing therapy, so that these children can slowly improve from this disorder.
Jesus never existed
The Jews had it right all along
The Christians have history twisted
And that's why I'm singing this song
Oh I'm sure a Jesus lived
And a Moses lived
We all know Mary had a little lamb
But one's got magic bread
The other parts the sea
It all seems a little made up to me
Oprah Winfrey once dubbed it the "greatest love story" she had ever heard: a boy held at a Nazi concentration camp during World War II and a girl on the outside who tossed him apples to keep him alive. They eventually married and grew old together.I want to talk to Oprah. Hang on, she's far away so I must shout...
It turns out the story of Herman and Roma Rosenblat isn't true.