Saturday, July 12, 2008


Some of these hosts have been consecrated; some not. Can you tell which? Carl from Atlantic City can.

I'm not sure how else a person could distinguish them-- the Church certainly doesn't claim a chemical distinction. I think anyone expecting that the host is going to turn green and be emblazened with 'Christ was here' is a nut. But my experience of the Eucharist-- of that spiritual distinction-- has been profound and life-altering.
There are more cracker threads at Pharyngula than I can count, each with bajillion posts. You will not believe your eyes.

Added: The crackers need a few friggin' lazers on their heads. Then they could say convincingly, "U THREATEN CRACKERS?!! OMG U IZ SO DED!!1!" But that's beyond my time and/or shoopin' skills.


  1. There are more cracker threads at Pharyngula than I can count, each with bajillion posts. You will not believe your eyes.

    I seez dem!!

    Apparently some of the bajillion posts due to unbelievably energetic sock-puppetry.


  2. Aren't the blessed ones supposed to be nice?

  3. Although a selling point for many, in the fine print you will find that no one, religious or otherwise, guarantees "nice."

  4. Your bloggy is pretty damned spiffy.
    Mind if I link to it?

  5. But of course you mind, or but of course I can?

  6. diacanu, u iz on mah list, an if u liek, i be on u list, k?

  7. Be careful. The blog thing can eat your life.

    I'm getting outside as much as I can. Right now work is intense, so I'm lkeeping my puter-staring to a minimum.
