Just a little something that I picked up while strolling the webs today.
Ever wonder what hypnosis is? Basically, it's a relaxed state like you feel when you're drifting off to sleep. But rather than slipping into disorganized mental images and experiences, someone is there to suggest and guide the dream-like experience. Most people need some practice before they can drift off easily into that state. And it takes time, usually, to develop the trust that allows one to accept another person's suggestions as one's own.
Much of the dream-like self-exploration that arises during auditing sessions in Scientology appears to be accepted as a genuine recollection of past lives. That's unfortunate.
The guy in this video doesn't appear to be schizophrenic or grossly psychotic. If he were around ordinary people saying, WTF? at the right moments, he probably could shake off the delusion we see in that clip. But if he's surrounded by a community that reinforces such ego-stroking fantasies, he's going to have a hell of a time re-connecting with the rest of us.
Poor bastard. I really do feel sorry for him.
The tape seems old... wonder what ever happened to the guy.
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