[deGrasse Tyson] We are all connected; To each other, biologically To the earth, chemically To the rest of the universe atomically
[Feynman] I think nature's imagination Is so much greater than man's She's never going to let us relax
[Sagan] We live in an in-between universe Where things change all right But according to patterns, rules, Or as we call them, laws of nature
[Nye] I'm this guy standing on a planet Really I'm just a speck Compared with a star, the planet is just another speck To think about all of this To think about the vast emptiness of space There's billions and billions of stars Billions and billions of specks
[Sagan] The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it But the way those atoms are put together The cosmos is also within us We're made of star stuff We are a way for the cosmos to know itself
Across the sea of space The stars are other suns We have traveled this way before And there is much to be learned
I find it elevating and exhilarating To discover that we live in a universe Which permits the evolution of molecular machines As intricate and subtle as we
[deGrasse Tyson] I know that the molecules in my body are traceable To phenomena in the cosmos That makes me want to grab people in the street And say, have you heard this??
(Richard Feynman on hand drums and chanting)
[Feynman] There's this tremendous mess Of waves all over in space Which is the light bouncing around the room And going from one thing to the other
And it's all really there But you gotta stop and think about it About the complexity to really get the pleasure And it's all really there The inconceivable nature of nature
An homage
I opened up You’re All Just Jealous of my Jetpack this morning, and this
cartoon leapt out at me. I felt so smart, like a classically trained art
Should the US Ban TikTok?
My recent article on social media has fostered good social media
engagement, so I thought I would follow up with a discussion of the most
urgent question...
Thanks for stopping by….
I grew up in a wilderness area in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in a town
proudly proclaiming almost 300 citizens on its road sign. Life there
focused on surv...
Why real news is, indeed, fake.
I've taken three lengthy Uber trips in the past month. All of the drivers
got around to asking what I did for a living. When I replied, “I teach
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Buna fetelor, m-am bucurat tare mult cand Dana m-a anuntat ca am primit si
eu un premiu, mai ales ca mi se pare foarte interesant pentru ca ma ajuta
sa va...
I cannot believe they allow people like you to practice medicine.